Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Scheduling for Next Year!

by Kalki (Class of 2013)

Two weeks ago, the freshman, sophomores, and juniors received scheduling forms for the 2012-2013 school year. We had to decide what classes we were interested in taking and then talk to our current teachers and advisers about whether or not the class would be a good fit. It was very exciting scheduling for my senior year because I had a lot more options than years past and rather than getting frustrated I immediately knew what I wanted to take. This process went very smoothly because our advisors and teachers had already helped us decide what our interests were (and therefore what classes we wanted to take) since the beginning of the year; we just had to write them down on paper. I am really excited for my classes next year especially since a few of them like AP Statistics are being offered for the first time! What’s even better is that in the beginning of next year, we can add or drop classes if we change our minds!